Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog Post #19

Creating my "real nobody" portrait wasn't hard for me at all. It was not hard because I had already had experience in Art in elementary school. The first time of me doing a portrait was a self portrait which was challenging for me to do at first, but with a little practice, it got easier. So when the time came around to do a real nobody portrait, it was a piece of cake. Once I got in the zone, I was on a roll. When I had to paint the portrait though, it was a bit challenging. Reason being is because I didn't know what color scheme was a first. But overall, after I found out all I needed to know, it was easy for me and I really enjoyed this project.

Blog Post #18

Ok to start off with, if you look closely at this painting you will see a lady on her knees who has a little birdy in her arm and feeding it. By paying attention to the colors in this painting, I would predict that the artist was in an ok if not good mood. This painting is colorful and it seems as if the artist painted this to show the love for birds.

Blog Post #17

The is a portrait by Mary Trenkle of a baby girl. She liked painting babies because she said it brings out the softness and suppleness of the skin tones without casting harsh shadows. Looking at this portrait, I could infer that some of SPRITE is being used. I'm going to try to comment on each of the sprite categories for this artwork. Social is probably being used in this portrait. Social could be possible because it seems as if the baby is at the beach and at the beach lots of talking and meeting new people is going on. Technology because at the beach, there is this little shower outside where you press a button and the water comes on. Economy because of the people whose at the beach buying up things.

Post #16

Unfortunately, I wasnt able to find a image that Carrie Mae Weems created that I could relate to. However, her images didn't impress me because there were numerous naked pictures that disgusted me entirely. I had to leave that page. Carrie is a different kind of Artist who I feel that I'm not interested in. I'm unable to relate to any of the photos that I've seen. Reason being is because they we all of women with their breasts out and about, like they do not care at all of exposing their self. This is a disgust to me, Im sorry...